Where is Yuka Album?

Yuka Albüm is located in Tekstikkent area in İstanbul/Turkey.

How can we send our album files to Yuka Album?

You can send your files to us via File Transfer on our website’s checkout page. That page will appear after you successfully make the payment. If any technical problem occurs please send your files to yukaalbum@yandex.com via www.wetransfer.com. Please send your files with zip  extension.

Box and bag are included the price?

In most of our album packages, bag or box are included in the package You can check the details in the product detail page. For single albums, you can buy box or bag individually.

How many pages are there in the album?

Your albums may have at least 10 papers (20 pages) and 30 papers (60 pages) at most 

What is the pricing of your demo albums?

For your demo album requests for your studios, you can buy the album with 30% discount. 

Do you have any list showing your all materials?

With your first order, we will be sending you a list includes all materials which we use during production.

Which color profile do you recommend?

SRGB is the best profile to be used in photograpy print.

How dou you send your orders to your customers?

You can download our online catalogue from our website. After hiding the price and our logo, you can show the catalogue to your customers.

Which payment methods are available?

You can make online payment on our website using credit/debit card. Please contact us to make payment with bank transfer 

Are you selling globally?

We are shipping Europian countries, USA, Canada and Arabic countries Your products will be shipped by Quickshippercompany

When i get my orders?

Production process starts right after we get your order. Production process is maximum 10 days. Delivery time may take 3 days to Europian countries and 7 days American countries.